Ever since graduating from university, I sometimes have these nightmares about school. Each one is different. I've had one about forgetting that I enrolled in a class and missed most of the semester. I've had another about failing all my classes and having to wait another year to graduate. (Side note: I have failed a class before, happens to the best of us.) Probably all suppressed internalized fears that are now seeing the day of light.
Regardless, decided this year to go back and take some classes at my local community college. In the last few years, I've grown to love reading. Specifically any books on the topic of psychology. Never taken a psychology class in my life, so decided to take it this summer. In addition to that, taking a marketing and business class.
The first day is tomorrow and all the classes are fully remote. Meaning it's going to be up to me to make sure that I understand the material and turn in assignments on time. It's exciting and terrifying. Not sure what to expect after so long not being in formal college. But I'll keep you updated.